Monday, March 15, 2010


“While American democracy is imperfect, few outside the majority of this court would have thought its flaws included a dearth of corporate money in politics.”
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. ___ (2010), Justice Stevens, dissenting.

Retire.  Go ahead; it is safe now, and will not be for long.  If there is a living being on this planet that deserves it, it is you.  Good article, here.

DST on March 15 sucks.  Just getting used to a few slivers of light to assist in rousting the surly teenaged son, and then plunged once again into darkness.  Hurt me.  Above, Bean Hollow.  2003. October 26, last day of DST, low tide and stunning.  49ers sucked that year too.  You were fat.

Wanted to do kbell workout, but hammered.  Instead, 50 full minutes of TRX work in the am.  PM, stiff guy, hamstrings.  5 comes over,  I am slow so he is too.  First circuit:
10+10 20kg floor press to 10 pushups
10 20 kg goblet squats
10+10 28kg rows
10 20kg bootstrap squats
Second circuit just fooling around, until we start trading 10's with the 32.  We are up to 100 before we know it and drag ass becomes semi-respectable.

Wednesday.  Five miles in am, then 5:15 MH class.  Next to the model beauty; 6' angel with a very strong practice;  she is really good and favors me with a quick smile at the end cause we are egging each other on the one foot stuff; she crushed me on the left side and it would have been worse had MH not been easy on us.  But I can hang with her on side plank and most everything else and good neighbors are nice to have.

Thursday.  Five miles in am and then JB class.  Also egging me on in dolphin to plank, then plank to airplane and back up:  "How many can you do."  That ?  All day; rest of class sucking wind, but the 4:30 folks just starting the journey.
Evening with 5
20 pushups
10+10 16kg press, kneeling shoulders over hips on swiss ball
10 20kg goblet squats
8+8 16kg single deads
then to swings, after 60 5 is complaining of heart palpitations and we shut it down.

Friday.  That was three yoga classes and a fair amount of cardio.  Wanted bells late, not happening.

Saturday. Walk the dogs with 5.  Then to park for outside session; fat guy drinking beer chortles: "cool, kettbells."  Ya' bro, you are fat, been there, you got time, don't waste it.  So:
5 dive bomber push-ups, Sgt. Ken style.  These are a fucking bitch.; the down is ok, the back is deadly.  Guy is a beast and done slowly, 5 is max.
10 24 kg goblet squats 
3 + 3 20 kg, 5+5 24 kg clean to press
15+15 bw step back lunges
20 24kg swings, 5+5 20 kg snatches
1+1 24kg TGU
5+5x2 20kg snatches, 10 24kg swings
1+1 24 kg TGU
150 swings, 150 snatches, and 10 TGUs per side, mmm good.
Into sf for ct flogging and she did not disappoint.
sharp, quick 115 20kg swings.
embarrassing pistol prep, large quantities of work needed here.
lunges, ok.
TGU/windmill stuff, good and focused.
Ten minutes alternating sides, viking push press with 16kg, piece o' cake.
Five minutes of swings, 20 kg, lost count but probably 167.
Smoked and pumped at the end.  Yee hah.  5 crippled.
Poor round of wii golf for Pat's b-day.
Today, three miles in the am, 15 minutes in yoga studio with blocks working on pistol progressions.  Expecting to get back for more; but no.
5:55 ferry after 4:30 catch up calls.  Alternating email streams.  Not brilliant, but practical.
Home, Rose gets 25 minutes ball play due to dst and Brigid making dinner.  Will get used to this.

Outside is best; gonna get really good as light gets longer.

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