Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Musings - Road Gyms

"And what are you, reader, but a Loose-Fish and a Fast-Fish, too?" Herman Melville, Moby Dick Two days on the road; none of it productive due to an odd combination of technical failures and just plain bad planning. But Ogden was a decent town, with a large Gold's Gym heavily populated by very fit twenty somethings. Kbells were absent, but there was a lot of room for free weights, so it went like this: First Circuit 12 push-ups to renegade rows with 45lb dumbell 30 (15L/15/R) step back lunges with oly bar on shoulders 20 slalom squats with 35lb. plate 10 step backs off of 12 inch box, 25lb dumbells in each hand 3x Second Circuit 20 windmills, 10 each side with 35lb. plate 10 dumbbell snatches each side with 45lb dumbell; TGU's, 2/2/2/2 50lb dumbbell, first circuit, 45lb plate second two 15 jumping jacks with 25lb plate swings overhead 3x altitude got me a little, 50lb dumbbell got the left should more, so went to the plate. Body-building gym, I stayed in a corner and tried to keep a low profile. Salt Lake today, five miles on the hotel elliptical, would have done another but no socks and wore a nice blister in the left arch. Shit, that'll stay for a while. Dinner, good brew pub. Probably an off day tomorrow given work and travel. Friday will be nutty but hoping for a early evening blow out.

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