Sunday, September 13, 2009

Musings - Beatles Rock Band

"And you know its gonna be, all right" Revolution, John Lennon Too much red wine Friday night, marsh walk Saturday, Brigid jumping bushes above. Three miles with Ian and Brigid and Rose, listening to Jimi Hendrix from Winterland, 1968. Graced with the two younger teenagers presence, motivated by a desire on Brigid's part to buy stickers for her bmx at the local skate shop. Ian wanted to rent Beatles Rock Band for a few days; which compared to the fare he usually plays is a joy. I should give him more credit, he has good taste in music and literature and is a delight. A frequently surly delight but a delight nontheless. The three mile walk was it for Saturday. Pretty sad week last week with travel, one yoga class, 13 miles on the feet in one form or another, three good circuit training workouts. Today was the start of another week and started ok. Three miles in the marsh again listening to John Prine with Rose delighted to be back there. Watched football and started the workout at around 5:00; had been raining and it smelled good; Rose on the periphery red ball in mouth hoping for some play. But this was my time and it went like this: First Circuit 15 pushups, feet on 8 inch blocks, deep and slow, one foot up for 7, switch and finish 8; 30 tactical lunges with 16kg snatches, 16kg, 10r/10l; 20kg 10r/10l single leg deadlift, 10l/10r, 16kg 3x Second Circuit Presses, kneeling on physio ball, 8l/8r, 16kg, with 2kg weight on bottom 20 swings, 30 seconds, 28kg TGU's, 2r/2l/2r/2l, 28kg one minute plank, 20 sec, one foot up 15, switch, 10 sec for minute total 3x Left shoulder is dicey which is why I have been laying off presses; was being sloppy a month ago and still tender. Last set of TGU's was just brutal. Plank was really rest. Rose steered clear. Tomorrow cardio on elliptical and hopefully yoga.

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