Saturday, September 12, 2009

Musings - Back

"You've got the art and touch and that's why we agree." 1932 letter, first person canine, wall of S.F. Vet Hospital, author unknown Thursday was full day in SLC, race to the airport and back to bay area. Left office Friday at 1:30, meetings, rolled into gym at around 3:45, went like this: First Circuit 20 cp 24kg, 10l/10r, alternating, free arm up, immediately flip to 10 pushups, hands on bells 20 single leg squats, 10l/10r, 12 inch box, with 4"/2" pad 30 cleans, 15 each side, 24kg 16 single leg deadlifts, 8 each side, 16kg, switching to two 12kg halfway through 3x Second Circuit 20 windmills, 1o each side, 16kg 30 swings, (one minute) 24kg TGUS, 2 32kg, l/r; 2 24, l/r Woodchoppers, high to low, 6.5 plate 10 each side 32kg TGU's continue to be an adventure, a little better, but . . . swings and cleans feel much better compared to 8 weeks ago. Need to start swinging the 28 more . . . Football season starts tomorrow, yay. Three mile marsh walk today, Rose needs to get hers . . .

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