Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Musings - Dog Tired

"I wanna do right, but not right now" Gillian Welch, Miss Ohio Warm days. Left the house at dawn, six miles on the elliptical, boring and legs were pretty shot from yesterday. Surprising, felt great all day yesterday but woke with sore shoulder, back, and dead thighs. Residual roadkill from yesterday's snatch, swing, tgu fun. Picked up after 20 minutes, but still tired. Hour long Dynamic Vinyasa class. One leg stuff was laughable; but felt really good in half moon, Michael H. does such a job of keeping it new; nearly fell to sleep at the end. Schedule says circuit training tomorrow, but busy; may just do yoga and some cardio, see what tomorrow brings. Rose out of luck, full moon upcoming so night hike potential if I can roust a kid to go with us.

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