Sunday, September 6, 2009

Musings - 28kg Swings

"Well I wish I was in Austin, in the Chili Parlor bar drinkin' Mad Dog margaritas and not caring where you are." Guy Clark, Dublin Homesick Blues Leaving it to the end of the day on the weekend is usually a mistake; the cumulative effect of family matters and mundane tasks leaves me more in shape for a nap than a workout. But training is going to be hard with travel next week, and no matter what Pavel says I am not taking a kettlebell with me on three days of depositions. I'll find a gym someplace and hunker down if time permits at night. So after the 75 minute nap, started the workout at 6:15. Went like this: First Circuit 15 slow deep push-ups; 15 front squats, 20kg; 40 snatches, 10l/10r 16kg; 10l/10r, 20kg; 10 step back lunges, 20kg in rack 3x, but last circuit all the snatches were 16kg, gassed. Push-ups were harder than they should have been; usually can do 20 in a circuit just fine, but shoulders were sore and I was just tired. Second Circuit 20 windmills, 10l/10r; 20 swings, 30 seconds, 28 kg; TGUS, 20kg, with 2kg additional weight, 3,2,1 both sides alternating right/left; 20 Figure 8's to hold, 20 first circuit, 16 second two. 3x Windmills felt good after a coupla weeks off due to annoying small muscle pull in the ribs; 28 kg swings were new, and felt great. Figured TGUS would be good after the 32kg last week but they were hard, had to really grind. Lost the handle on the 20 on the first circuit of figure 8 to hold, went flyin off and came too close for Rose's comfort, dropped down to 16, which felt pretty light, but I was gassed. Workout took over an hour. The bells look like they are getting smaller; Rose got ball play, but felt like I kind of gypped her out.

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